It's election time and the following seats are available:
Lived Homeless Experience
Sarasota County Schools
Senior Representative with Lived Expertise in Homelessness or Housing Insecurity
Disability Representative
Manatee Law Enforcement
Chamber of Commerce
Manatee County Public Schools
State Certified Behavioral Health
State Certified Domestic Violence
Permanent Supportive Housing
Rapid Re-Housing
Faith Community
Youth/Transition Age (16-24)
To apply, please fill out the application found below and send in by September 17th.
As a member of the Leadership Council, you'll work with community partners on system planning and strategies to end homelessness in Manatee and Sarasota Counties (FL-500). The Leadership Council is a governance board, and certain responsibilities and expectations are part of the commitment.
All members of the CoC Leadership Council shall affirm a professional interest in, or personal commitment to, effectively ending homelessness in Sarasota and Manatee Counties.
Each CoC Leadership Council Member must also:
1. Be a CoC member with dues paid in full.
2. Sign a conflict-of-interest disclosure statement.
3. Collaborate in good faith with other members to work toward the CoC mission to end homelessness in the Suncoast CoC.
4. Abide by the CoC governance charter, policies, and procedures.
5. If representing a certain sector of homeless services, solicit input from others in that sector who are not on the Council to ensure their voices are represented.
6. Attend and participate actively in meetings.
7. Participate in the activities of the CoC, such as committees, workgroups, the Point-in-Time Count, HMIS oversight, strategic planning, advocacy and public education efforts, and project and system performance reviews.
We hope you will consider filling a seat on this critical Council within our CoC. For questions or concerns, please contact Taylor Neighbors,