Florida Housing Coalition Presents
COVID-19 Implications: Coordinated Entry and Permanent Housing
This training will review the guidance related to Coordinated Entry and permanent housing programs. The Coordinated Entry System (CES) continues to serve an important function in assessing, prioritizing, and housing people experiencing homelessness. Participants will consider how COVID-19 might impact how households should be prioritized for homelessness prevention, rapid re-housing, and permanent supportive housing. Participants will also learn safety measures that can be taken to continue to move persons experiencing homelessness into housing and how to keep tenants safe in their permanent housing programs.
Click below to view Presentation and Materials:
Presentation - (Record Webinar)
COVID Implications - CE and PH - (PDF of Presentation)
COVID 19 Homeless System Response Wellness Check list for Client Engagement
Changes to Coordinated Entry Prioritization to Support and Respond to COVID 19
COVID 19 Homeless System Response Equity Driven Changes to Coordinated Entry Prioritization
COVID-19 Implications: Outreach and Shelter:
During this unprecedented pandemic, guidance is published daily for homeless service providers. HUD, CDC, SAMHSA, the healthcare industry, and states. This work offers documents to help providers screen, prioritize, shelter, and rehouse people experiencing homelessness (PEH).
This training will review the guidance related to street outreach for persons who are unsheltered and the emergency shelter response, including non-congregate shelter (NCS). Providing support services and addressing tangible needs are critical to the public health response in ensuring preventing the spread of COVID-19. Participants will learn how to continue their outreach and shelter services while adhering to the latest public health and HUD guidance. This training will also review sources of funding related to carrying out these services.
Click below to view Presentation and Materials:
Presentation - (Record Webinar)
COVID Implication - Outreach and Shelter - (PDF of presentation)
Street-Outreach-COVID- Guidance 04.13.2020
​Overview of the CARES Act Emergency Solutions Grant :
On March 27, the CARES Act was signed into law. This legislation provides $12 billion of rental assistance across the nation, including over $140 million for Florida. $4 billion was set aside for Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG-CV), along with additional funding for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG-CV), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA-CV), and other rental assistance programs for low income households.
This training will focus on the ESG-CV allocations and the potential impact it can have in significantly reducing homelessness. Participants will learn about traditional ESG funding, how that differs from ESG-CV funding, and the need to understand fully the associated regulations. We will also discuss HUD waivers and guidance related to ESG, ESG-CV, and CoC programs that are available as of the date.
Click below to view Presentation and Materials:
Presentation - (Recorded Webinar)
CARES Act Emergency Solutions Grant - (PDF of presentation)
Homeless System Response: (Rehousing Efforts in response to COVID 19)
Homeless System Response: (Rehousing Activation: Planning and Implementation tips)
Homeless System Response: (System Planning: A Framework for Homelessness Prevention)
COVID- 19 Implication:
Coordinated Entry & Permanent Housing
Looks at the guidance published daily for homeless service providers. HUD, CDC, SAMHSA, the healthcare industry, and states. This workshop offers documents to help providers screen, prioritize, shelter, and rehouse people experiencing homelessness (PEH).
This training will review the guidance related to Coordinated Entry and permanent housing programs. The Coordinated Entry System (CES) continues to serve an important function in assessing, prioritizing, and housing people experiencing homelessness. Participants will consider how COVID-19 might impact how households should be prioritized for homelessness prevention, rapid re-housing, and permanent supportive housing. Participants will also learn safety measures that can be taken to continue to move persons experiencing homelessness into housing and how to keep tenants safe in their permanent housing programs.
Click below to view Presentation and Materials:
Presentation - (Recorded Webinar)
COVID Implications - CE and PH - (PDF of Presentation)
​RRH COVID Guide (5.18.2020)
Changes to Coordinated Entry Prioritization to Support and Respond to COVID 19
Homelessness Prevention & Rapid Re-Housing
Provides an in-depth look at CoC, ESG, and ESG-CV funding and how that funding can best be used in response to COVID-19.
During COVID-19, providers have an opportunity to make a significant impact by targeting funding to prevent and end homelessness. This training will provide an in-depth look at CoC, ESG, and ESG-CV funding and how that funding can best be used in response to COVID-19. Utilizing funding for homelessness prevention and short- and medium-term rental assistance will be the special focus of this training. Participants will learn the eligible activities and important regulations of the funding. Best practices in Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing will be reviewed, including an overview in housing navigation, financial assistance, and support services.
Click below to view Presentation and Materials:
Presentation - (Recorded Webinar)
HP& RRH - Suncoast - (PDF of Presentation)
Landlord-Collaboration - Guidebook
Diversion and Early Intervention
Introducing Diversion and Early Intervention to front-line staff, discharge planners, and other personnel working in jails and Hospitals.
​Florida Housing Coalition will introduce Diversion and Early Intervention strategies to ensure those patients exiting jails and hospitals are not exited to a literally homeless situation.
Diversion is a strategy that prevents homelessness for people seeking shelter by helping them identify immediate alternate housing arrangements and, if necessary, connecting them with services to help them return to permanent housing.
Click below to view Presentation and Materials:
Diversion and Early Intervention
Introducing Diversion and Early Intervention for case managers
This session will provide proven tools and best practices for diversion and early intervention. Diversion and Early intervention strategies can help those who at risk of experiencing homelessness self-resolve with little or no need for financial assistance. Differences between early intervention, prevention, and diversion will also be discussed, along with tools and alternatives case managers can utilize to guide a client away from an occurrence of homelessness.
Click below to view Presentation and Materials:
Diversion Eligibility Checklist
Strengths-Based Case Management
What is Strengths-Based Case Management?
Strength-based practice is a social work practice theory that emphasizes people's self-determination and strengths. It is a philosophy and a way of viewing clients as resourceful and resilient in the face of adversity.
Click below to view Presentation and Materials:
Case Manager Strengths-Based Self-Assessment
Deficit vs strengths Self-Description Activity
Working with Difficult Cases
​This training will look at the role of case management when working with households experiencing homelessness.
Difficult cases are a part of the job with case management. This training will dive into what makes a case difficult, how to handle exceptionally difficult cases, and staying resilient. We will look at the importance of effective supervision and case conferencing. Participants will be given tools to assist in navigating difficult cases.
Click below to view Presentation and Materials:
Strengths Base Language Exercise
Cultural Competency
This training focuses on utilizing cultural humility to practice cultural competence. ​
Cultural humility is a willingness to suspend what you know, or what you think you know, about a person based on generalizations about their culture. Rather, the worker learns about their clients’ culture, and the ways they self-identify, from being open to what they themselves have determined is their personal culture and identification.
Click below to view Presentation and Materials:
Motivational Interviewing
Introducing Motivational Interviewing for case managers
Motivational Interviewing is a technique and style of interacting with clients that helps to move people through the stages of change. It provides a non-judgmental way of interacting with clients. It is a practical, empathetic, and short-term process that takes into consideration how difficult it is to make life changes.
Click below to view Presentation and Materials:
​​Trauma-Informed Care
Introducing Trauma-Informed Care for case managers
Chronic exposure to traumatic stress is increasingly understood as a common denominator for some of our clients. Whether clients have experienced trauma as a result of homelessness or their homelessness was a result of a trauma, clients deserve a systemic approach to service delivery that is grounded in an understanding of the causes and consequences of trauma and promotes resilience and healing.
This training discusses the principles of Trauma-Informed Care as well as discuss trauma-informed policies and procedures which will help providers understand the trauma clients have experienced and what the appropriate response should be in order to minimize harm and provide sensitivity
Click below to view Presentation and Materials:
Rapid Rehousing and Housing Based Case Management
Introducing Rapid Rehousing and Housing Based Case Management for case managers
The first half of the training will provide information on rapid rehousing, funding sources, and troubleshooting, with second-half tailored to housing case management best practices such as progressive engagement, sustainability planning, and working collaboratively.
Click below to view Presentation and Materials